
The following is based on a sample written for a company announcement. Some names have been changed. Also, there may be the occasional tongue-in-cheek:

{Company name} FALL NEWSLETTER - November 20**

The leaves have turned and a nip is in the air: fall is here in the Kansas City region! This is a time where the joy of the season holds our imagination, and our thoughts turn to friends, family and holidays. This Thanksgiving, like every Thanksgiving, is an opportunity to pause and reflect on what makes a house a home. For us here at {Company name}, and perhaps for many real estate professionals, fall is a time of the year where business takes a little breather, giving us time to collect our thoughts while planning for the coming new year. As part of your business we look forward to providing top-quality photographic services for real estate, commercial, and professional imagery. We are pleased to say we also can meet those needs for your marketing, publicity, and special events photos. From brochures and head shots to special events and parties, please contact us to see what we can do for you in 2016 and beyond.

A THOUSAND WORDS MAKE A PICTURE/CLICK THE SHUTTER - Coming in the new year, {Company name} is relaunching its blog! Titled {insert name here}, it will present a monthly look at tips, hints, and questions we ask about what we do and how we can better do it for you. Launching in January 20** it will be found on our website at {Company website link}. We hope you will join us in the conversation.

TEAM MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: FRANK LLOYD WRONG - Frank Lloyd Wrong is the new staff photographer for {Company name}. A licensed architect with a degree from University of Hardknocks and with over 20 years of experience, Frank long pursued photography as a serious hobby and now does so as a vocation. He joined the {Company name} team in March 20**. Since then he has enjoyed using his architect’s eye photographing a wide variety of homes to showcase their beauty. Photography also plays a part in Frank’s other business interests providing architectural design, consulting, and writing services for small projects. He moved to Kansas City, Missouri in May 20** after living in Alaska and Rhode Island all his life. While not photographing buildings and designing mountaintop retreats, he enjoys creating fine art photos, writing, and playing the tuba. He shares all that goodness with his partner and occasionally with his pets, provided they behave themselves. Frank is finding the Kansas City area a delightful place to live and work and looks forward to working with returning clients and sharing burnt ends with all.

IN CLOSING - Thank you for choosing us to assist in building your business. {Company name} wishes you a joyful Thanksgiving, a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!


Restaurant Critic

The following sample is from a restaurant review written while traveling, combining a knack for description with a love of good food. Original post was on the TripAdvisor website: 

Green chile cheeseburger: Rescue in a high desert snowstorm

We left Santa Fe around 12:15, under a pewter sky spitting rain, sleet and other bad intentions. Our stay was cut short by the knowledge that we had to get ahead of the weather if we wanted a chance of making our flight out of Albuquerque later that evening. The radar whispered "clearing down south" so we hit the Turquoise Trail with high hopes for a smooth ride.

Winter storm Ajax had other ideas, however, and it started to snow. Hard. Slush on the windshield and a light foot on the gas only served to highlight what I and my companion call the "Imperative of the Belly": hunger takes over and will not be denied.

A slow roll down State Road 14 brought us into Madrid just as the slush was getting thick. The winter storm sort of pushed us into park in front of the Mine Shaft Tavern, home of what appeared to be famous green chile cheeseburgers including the award-winning 'Mad Chile' burger. Well, then, the die was cast.

I spent little time admiring the long facade of the tavern (stretching as it does along the road) as the snow was falling fast and the growls in our stomachs nagged us to hurry it up. I can't comment much on the interior ambience either, as I had one eye on the menu and one eye on the weather outside the window. I can say this: it is the kind of roadside honky-tonk you feel comfortable in even if you aren't from around those parts.

As to that eye on the menu...(read more at Green Chile Cheeseburger).

